We specialise in accident / insurance vehicle repairs
Call us on: 01724 733300
We deal with all Insurance companies, repairing a damaged vehicle in just 3 main steps
Bring the vehicle to our premises so we may take your details and images of the damage
A quote will be prepared and sent to your Insurance company for authorisation
Your vehicle is booked in with us and a courtesy car supplied. Repairs are carried out using only genuine manufacturers parts and to our exacting standards
From a minor scratch to a major repair - using our onsite colour matching and mix & paint facilities means an outstanding quality finish everytime!
For an individual look we offer a range of special colours from one off paint jobs to fitting spoilers and upgraded bumpers including extensions
Small Medium Area Repair Technique
Depending on the extent of the damage, it may be possible to carry out a SMART repair.
This is generally a quicker and more cost effective procedure - with equally outstanding results.
When your vehicle looks dull, or has minor scratches, it is possible to use fine graded flatting paper, compounds & polishes to remove a micro-layer of paint to bring the bodywork back to a high gloss finish.
For full paint protection information - CLICK HERE
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